Finally! David is a new man with two new hips in place! At 1:30 this afternoon the final stitches were in place and they were getting him settled in ICU for the night. By the time I got to see him at 2:00 pm he was awake and asking for something to eat and drink.
He is feeling good and ready to begin his long road to recovery. He should be up and walking with the aid of a walker tomorrow as well as being in a regular room.
He did have to be given blood today to put back some of the blood he lost during surgery and with the drainage afterwards. He told me over the phone that was easy and he got a dinner tray which he proceeded to inhale.
We should be mostly back to normal by Thanksgiving and dancing slow dances by Christmas. What a wonderful way to celebrate Thanksgiving, our birthdays and Christmas, a healthy husband and father for the first time in more years than I can remember. Seems every holiday season for about the last 10 years or so has been spent with him in the hospital or very sick at home. We have many Blessings to count this year!
I will keep you all posted when I can on how he is doing this time around. God Bless!!
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