Friday, December 9, 2011
Christmas 2011
This year I just can't seem to get into the Christmas mood at all! I just want Christmas to be over with! I also want this year to be over with! If it could go wrong it has! There has only been four good highlights this year...James and Brittany's engagement, Nicole's birth, I have lost 61 pounds and Mom & Dad's Golden Anniversary!! Other than those this year has totally sucked!!! I won't rehash the problems on here but let's just say they just make the national debt look good!! So it is no wonder I have depression that is a bottomless pit. I have sought the help of my primary care physician and a therapist. Some days it is all I can do to get out of bed, but I have too, I am after all taking care of Brooklyn. If you don't find me online playing a game, then you might find me in my room watching tv, staring off into space or crying. Seems I can't even make this blog make sense right now, better stop while I am ahead.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Thanksgiving 2011
Thanksgiving 2011 is coming fast. This year I am so Thankful for my family as I know so many others are. I know it is said so many times it such a cliche, but so true! I have such a large family that it is so hard to Thank them individually but I should, so here goes. Thank you for being a part of my life David, James, Brittany, Elizabeth, Ben, Mom, Dad, Michelle, Chelsea, Chance, Brooklyn, Jenni, Mark, Katie, Jonathan, Larissa, Jacob, Matthew, Tanya, Mike, Jon, Matt, Emma, Nate, and Nicole...I love you all! This is my immediate family but the cousins and Aunts and Uncles are just as important and Loved. Thank you all my friends, there are too many of you to name but you all mean so much to me!! HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ONE AND ALL!!!
Monday, September 19, 2011
My "Baby" turned 19

Another milestone hit very close to this one, my Dad turned 69 on September 13th. I can't believe he will be 70 next year. He seems so young too! He has survived a stroke and a heart attack and yet he still manages to do all his own yard work and anything else he sets his mind too!! Remember he and Mom just celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary in August!! I think he will be around for a lot longer!
Ben - 15 months - Fairbury, Illinois visiting Great Grandpa Zehr, we were at Aunt Sue and Uncle Eddie's house in a park playing in the mud.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
50 Years of Marriage
August 12, 1961, my parents, Grace and Jim Oakes were married in the oldest Baptist church in Columbia, South Carolina. On August 12, 2011, they celebrated their 50th Anniversary with a surprise party which we girls planned an entire year for. It was such a joy to pull this party off and see their faces as they saw friends they had not seen for years and then to see family that had travel hundreds of miles to be there. It was worth all the lying and stress to enjoy and endure the tears and hugs. We all had a wonderful time that turned into several days of visits and stories. I hope the following photos will share the joy of the event, they are only a few of the hundreds that were taken.

Sunday, July 24, 2011
Welcome to the World "Nickel"
We have a new niece!! Nicole Leiann Morrison was born July 17 weighing in at 7 pounds 13 ounces and measuring 19 1/2 inches. Tanya and Mike are so happy. The doctors had to use suction to get her out, so she had a nasty bruise and scrape on her head but otherwise she is beautiful. Everyone is enjoying spoiling the newest addition to the family. 
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
James Graduation
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
May Thoughts in June
May also brought us closer to my sister Tanya's due date for her latest addition to her family. She is expecting her newest little girl in July, Nicole should arrive around the 19th.
We also celebrated the announcement of two engagements, James & Brittany and Elizabeth & Derek. Both couples will be getting married next spring! We are so excited for both couples and yet we are also anticipating the bills! Along with the joy of this, came heartache, there was conflict with the dates for the weddings. When it all settled, Elizabeth was no longer speaking to any of us, effective May 14, our anniversary! As of this posting, she as not contacted us by phone, Facebook, email, text or regular mail. To say this is hurting me is an understatement, but to say it is also helping ease my stress is a helpful statement.
I find not arguing with her eases the stress I was having and helps with the migraines but does not ease the hurt on my heart. I find the hurt similar to grief felt from the loss of a death, you have to take it moment to moment. I pray she will come around and realize how much I love her and how much her family loves her. I pray she will realize how much she loves her family and how much she needs us. For now that is all I can do, other than express my love for her on here. I love you Elizabeth!!! Please remember that always!!
God Bless Everyone!
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
April 2011 Thoughts
April is almost gone and I see it is time to post my thoughts for the month. Yesterday we celebrated James' 22nd birthday, where have the years gone? It only seems like yesterday that he was toddling around here taking things apart and sucking his thumb. I miss those days and yet I love that he is grown and on his own, graduating in a few weeks with his Associates Degree in Medical Assisting, I also love that he and Brittany are planning their wedding for next year, she is going to be a great addition to our family.
April also brought about the graduation from high school for Ben. He completed his GED requirements, passed the tests and got his diploma. He did all this in less than a week and with better than average scores. He even got a certificate from College America for passing the tests in less than a week. Then he started college classes right away, taking Graphic Design. He kept his promise to me months ahead of schedule. I am so proud of him! When the family got together for Easter, we had a graduation celebration at the same time for him. He loved it, he even got some gifts!
We got news from Elizabeth, she and Derek have set a date for their wedding, May 19, 2012! We are happy for them and are planning to be there to give our daughter away. Ben has been asked to be a part of the wedding party and has agreed. We are happy to be adding another son to our expanding family! Next year is going to be really busy with two weddings!
May God Bless everyone who reads my rantings!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
March Thoughts
It has been a few months since I posted anything so I thought I should say something.....SOMETHING...LOL!!!
Life has been good or than an occasional bump. I have gotten to the level where my doctor wants me to be for my medication for now that is to help with my migraines. For now it seems to be helping like it should, when I take it every day like I should. I have found if I miss a day, I will have a severe headache the next day, so I am trying to make sure I do not miss a day. I am still taking care of Brooklyn every day and enjoying it, she is such a joy. She makes me so anxious to have grandchildren and yet I can wait for the kids to finish college.
James should be finished with the first part of his degree in June and be ready to test to be a Certified Medical Assistant, then hopefully on to Nursing school. Brittany will have another year to finish her degree in Nursing Business Management.
Ben has had a bit of a set back in his high school, seems Aurora Public schools did not calculate his credits correctly and did not set his schedule up properly to keep him on track to graduate in May. So he must attend another semester and not graduate until December of 2011 or May of 2012 depending on his choice of classes and if he wants to get in some college classes or not. With the fact he is 18, he can make this decision all on his own and may decide to just get his GED and go on to college sooner instead of waiting to finish traditional high school. It does concern me a bit but what can I do when he is 18 and he does have a mind of his own, he has the right to make his own decisions about his life, I have to realize this and accept it.
Our home is fast becoming an empty nest, it is nice at times and at times it is very lonely. I like being able to do what I want, when I want but I also miss being able to spend the time with my kids, but after all, they aren't kids anymore, I have to remember that.
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