Monday, December 29, 2008
She has Chiari Syndrome which is the compression of the spinal column by the cerebral tonsils at the base of the brain. This causes pressure to build in the spinal column and the brain as the fluid is not moving thru the canal as it should. This has caused a cyst to grow in the spinal canal. She has also developed a slight compression of two or more vertebrae in the her neck.
One doctor says she needs decompression surgery on the brain to relieve the pressure and to allow the cyst to disolve. Another doctor says she needs decompression surgery on her neck to allow the same thing. Either way the surgery will be risky, as is any surgery. But again, until two or more doctors can determine which surgery is correct they will not be cutting on her.
She has some tingling in her arm and can hear the fluid as it moves in and out of the brain. However, this condition is not uncommon, as a matter of fact, I was diagnosed with Chiari syndrome several years ago. The problem is hereditary, most of the family may have it. The symptoms I have are migraines, vertigo (dizziness) and occasionally problems with vision or tingling in my arms and legs. Sometimes the problems can be controlled with medication, as mine are for now, other times, like Mom's, surgery is required.
For more information on Chiari syndrome, please search for it on Google, we have and find it most interesting. Please keep our family in your prayers as we go thru this most confusing and distressing time. I will try to keep you all posted in here as things progress. I will also be reachable by email at zehrfamily@msn.com.
God Bless Everyone!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
I know what it is like to share this time of the year with the extended family. I had to split my time with David's family and mine before. I know that eventually all three of my kids will be married and will be spending holidays with their extended family. I want that for each of them. It is just too darn early for me to be in full acceptance mode of this change. I am not ready for empty nest syndrome...LOL!
The one good thing about this holiday season will be that for the first time in several years, we won't be traveling to spend it with my family here in Aurora. It means not having to worry about the weather, the crazies on the road and whether or not we can make it back in time to work.
It is also very hard to be jolly at this time with no money to be able to give the gifts we would love to give. I know that this is a time to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, I am doing that will all my might. But, I would also love to be able to participate in the giving not only to my family but to others who might be less fortunate than we are. Yes, there are others who are worse off than we are and I pray someone is going to help them get thru this time, like my family is helping us.
Change is good and it is bad but most of all it is necessary.
God Bless Everyone!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Family Happenings
Beth seems to be settling in at Derek's home and with school. She has had a few problems with some of the girls at school but I think the plan that Mrs. Mason and Beth worked out for next semester will benefit all involved. She is going to be attending her core classes in the mornings and have the afternoons free, hopefully she will find a job so she can stay busy until graduation.
James is almost done with this first semester at TSJC (Trinidad State Junior College) and has applied at Aurora Community College for next semester. They should be able to transfer all his credits and financial information to ACC so that he can just come up here and enroll in classes in January. We haven't determined whether he will work or not when he gets here, I think it will depend on his class schedule and how much homework is involved.
David is finishing his semester at TSJC, then he will move up here to find a job. If things work out for him to go back to school part-time in the evenings then he will apply at ACC. First things first, he has to get a job. We have been sending him emails with some prospects, not sure what he has done about them. I do know that he has been so preoccupied with moving, cleaning and school that today, he backed into another car causing a dent in the door. Then of all things, he didn't leave his information for the person he just went off to school to take one of his finals. He arrived home to find a police officer waiting for him with two tickets. Now he has to face the judge to see if he can keep his license as one of the tickets was for leaving the scene of an accident and is 12 points. I pray he gets a really lenient judge that will forgive him.
Things are going slowly for me, I have posted my resume with several companies and have tried to get an appointment with the temporary agency but have not been able to speak with them or have them return my calls. I am not giving up! I have also put in some hours with my online company to help get some income coming in, but with all that I have to complete for moving, looking for a job and other things, I have moved slowly getting that done.
Gotta run and take care of things, God Bless you all!!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Packing part 3...the final packing installment
As we left Trinidad, of course the tears flowed. It was very hard to say goodbye to all my friends and the "family" we had made in the 14 years we were there. Leaving Trinidad was as it had been when we moved there. I remember those first few years, I was so miserable without my family and my friends, that I begged David to take me home. Now I would give anything to be staying there. Don't get me wrong, I am glad to be here with my family and those friends I still have here, but there is nothing like small town life. The closeness with those friends and our church family is such a heart warming thing it will be hard to be without that. But I know that just as I got used to life in those first years, I will adjust to life in the big city again. For now, it seems overwhelming and suffocating but it will get better, part of that will come thru prayer.
Goodbye Trinidad!! We will miss all our friends, please keep in touch!
God Bless you all!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Tis the Season...
It all begins with my sister and brother-in-law's anniversary on Nov 19th...I know it is not a birthday, but it is a celebration! They have been married for four years! Then comes my Mother's birthday on Nov 24, Mark's (brother-in-law) on Nov 27, mine on Nov 28, a nephew's on Nov 30, Ed's (brother-in-law) on Dec 1, nephew's, father-in-law's and sister's on Dec 2 and finally David's is Dec 9. Then we have Christmas and Beth's birthday is Jan 26.
With all we have been thru it is nice to celebrate the happy things and try to forget the money and moving stresses.
We are getting settled in Aurora, still no job but more hope for one than we had in Trinidad. Still living with Mom and Dad, little crowded but getting by nicely.
Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! God Bless Everyone!
Friday, November 28, 2008
If you want to see a trailer of the movie go to.... www.fireproof.com or www.fireproofmymarriage.com I believe you will not regret watching this movie and neither will your partner. Let me know when you see it what your reaction is!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Packing part 2
After Church yesterday, we had a nice lunch as it was the annual Thanksgiving potluck for all. Then we came home to hit it hard for a few hours before having to return to Aurora so Ben could be in school today. Beth and I had started working when David and James arrived with news that our friends, Burt and Lorna, were right behind them to help. Once they arrived things just went fast and furious.
We got the china hutch completely emptyied and moved to storage, the cabinet in the bathroom, the video cabinet packed and moved, and quite a bit of the kitchen stuff that won't be needed for a while. We got so many boxes packed and moved that the apartment is looking quite bare. What a feeling of accomplishment! Thanks so much to Burt and Lorna, if they had not been there with their vehicle we wouldn't have moved as much as we did.
It is back to Aurora for two weeks now to continue the job search, then on December 5th or 6th we will be going back down to pack and move more. We are giving our notice to our landlord on December 1st so we will have to be out in 30 days. Things are looking up, Ben is very happy at school and is happy to be out of all the drama at THS. Of course he misses his friends and would love to be able to graduate with them but he is tried of the history that follows him. A fresh start for him and for us is looking like a good thing. Brother Dave said yesterday that I looked more rested than I had in several months. I really appreciated that.
More later until then God Bless Everyone!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Packing part 1
We have had most of our household in a storage unit for three years now due to the fact we moved into a small three bedroom apartment. In order to get the current furniture and other miscellaneous item from the apartment into the storage unit, it had to be cleaned out and re-packed. We started the process at 8:30 this morning and did not finish until 5:00 pm. We got rid of so much stuff between taking it to the dump or to the used furniture place here in town. I think we made five trips to the dumpsters or the dump and four to the 2nd hand store. There is now about 1/4 of the stuff in the storage unit that there was originally.
It feels so good to know that we will now be able to put our furniture, kitchen and miscellaneous stuff in there until we find a place to live in Aurora or some city around the metro area. First, we have to find jobs and make sure we have the deposits we will need to rent a house or apartment.
I started the packing process here at the apartment tonight. Didn't get very far due to the sore back, legs and arms from earlier today. I did get my china hutch packed for the most part. We plan on coming back in two weeks with Mom and maybe Dad in tow to help with packing things that David and James will not need for the last few weeks they are here. That will give them the room to clean a little bit each day so that there won't be so much to clean as we move the last bit of stuff out.
Well it is well past midnight and if I plan on getting to church tomorrow, I need to sleep. I don't think Brother Dave will appreciate me falling asleep in church. Then it will be time to pack the car with the rest of the stuff to go back to Aurora for the next two weeks.
Take care all and God Bless Everyone!!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Finally Registered!
More later...God Bless you all!
Friday, November 14, 2008
School Registration
Next, I had to contact THS to see about an unoffical transcript and any information on his special education plan. I got told that the new school must request this information. I countered that according to the registration sheet I was given that I need this information at my appointment to finish registration and to get his schedule. They again said the school must request, I asked how will they do that when they won't have anything to know about him until the appointment time and that's when I have to have it to show them. We went round and round for about 10 minutes until the counselor at THS finally asked who I was going to see and what the phone number is. She then said "I will contact them to get this settled." I left it in her hands, but if there is no information on Monday and I have further problems with this process, I am going to blow a gasket...LOL!
This too shall pass! God Bless you all!!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Here in Aurora
Today, I tried to register Ben in school. We arrived at the central registration office for Aurora Public Schools at 12pm only to find they were closed. Get this, for a large school district with one central registration office they are only open from 7:30 to 11 am each weekday. How lame is that! You have to register at this office, not at the schools. Things sure have changed from when I was in school and from the way things are done in Trinidad.
I looked at the Sunday classifieds that my Mom saved for me. I found a few jobs that I will call on or send resume's too. But I can tell you I AM SCARED! I have not face to face interviewed in over 10 years. I have not worked outside my home in an office or store or whatever in over 10 years. I have been an online Customer Service Rep for the last 3 years, so facing people again and trying to sell myself is frightening!!
It does not help the situation that I am here with only one of my three kids. I love Ben dearly and I am glad I am not here alone, but leaving Beth, James and David has been hard. Yes, David will be here in about 5 weeks but James has not decided what he will do. He may stay in Trinidad to finish his year at TSJC. Beth, of course, is staying there to graduate in May, seems like such a long time to be away from her. Whether we are fighting or not, I love her and wish we were in the same city.
Mom says, "stay busy you will get through" I know she is right but it is hard to do when you feel paralyzed with fear. I am praying many times during the day for God to show me the way and keep me strong. I know I can get through, just needed to vent.
God Bless everyone!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
We are Moving
We hate that we have to do this but we all believe this is for the best and what God has planned for us. We will keep you all posted by on myspace or here.
We will miss our Church Family, Band Family and all our friends here but we will return as often as we can to visit. We take all of you in our hearts wherever we go. Thank you for 14 1/2 years of memories and friendships.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Halloween Trinidad Style
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
I hope each person who is eligible, got out to vote.
God Bless Everyone!
Friday, October 31, 2008
The Election
I have to agree with Jeanne that I would much rather vote for someone who doesn't really want the position as they would seem to be more normal. She also said she wishes we could go back to the times when politicians rode on trains or buses to campaign. AMEN!! Let's go back to that so we can all have some peaceful ad free nights to watch our favorite tv shows and listen to the radio ad free. I am also tired of all the flyers in my mail box, I hate junk mail!! If I had a fireplace it would be going 24 hours a day just burn all the political junk I get in my mail box. Boy what a savings that would be on my electric bill...LOL!!
Ok, enough ranting and back to enjoying the light at the end of the political campaign tunnel...remember only 5 more days!!
God Bless you all!! and may the best man win!!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
State Marching Competition
Friday, October 24, 2008
Life Stinks Part II
But, all of this has made us stop to think about the 18 months of trials and tribulations. We, as a family, have come to the conclusion, with Beth's input, that this is the answer from God we have been seeking and this is his plan for our lives. We are getting the message that He is done with us in Trinidad and it is time for us to move on. In our case, time to move back to Aurora, with the family until we can get on our feet. We have decided we will be moving in with my parents until we can both find a job and have some money for deposits and such.
The only details we haven't quite worked through is exactly when this will occur. We have to get Ben in school up there first, then David and James need to finish this semester at Trinidad State Junior College or they will have to pay back the grant money they have received and we need to find a place for Beth to live for the next 6 months so she can graduate from Trinidad High School. Our plan is to get Ben taken care of first, since the first quarter just ended there and here. We want to get him transferred and settled then we can concentrate on what to do next. We will also have to find a place for David and James to stay for about 4-6 weeks so they can finish the semester. Then they will transfer all their stuff to a community college in Aurora. We have spoken with friends here to see if they will take Beth and they are considering it now. We hope to have that answer in a couple of days.
For now I will be traveling the 200 miles a few more times while getting things going for Ben and then coming back here to pack the household into the storage unit until we get things up there taken care of. We will only be taking our clothes and computers to Mom's as there is no room for much else. This will help with all of David's medical issues as we will now be within 10 minutes to the VA hospital. Thinking of the wear and tear this will save and the gas...my head is spinning.
It will be hard to leave our "family" here at the most wonderful Church we have come to love. But in the long run, we should be a stronger family because of this. We truly believe this is what God has been trying to get through our thick heads for 18 months now. Thank you God for being persistent. God Bless you all!!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Life Stinks Right Now
Thank God for all of our family and our friends. There have been months I have really thought we would lose our apartment, utilities or not have enough food to survive. Most of those times it has come down to the last possible moment to keep us a float. It is during those times my prayers have been just about hourly, but in most cases they are daily that we will have the strength to endure.
Now is another of those times when it seems like the light at the end of the tunnel is fading fast. We have been trying to locate an attorney to help us with the case against the State of Colorado for wrongful termination, we have had no luck. Now it seems we must concede that we don't have a case and give into to the State attorneys and settle for a change in his file. They have offered to remove all the harmful information such as the corrective actions and instead of showing he was terminated, they will say he voluntarily resigned. This will help when looking for another job but it does not help the financial situation. We countered their settlement offer with one that included these changes and asked for a monetary settlement as well. As of today they have not responded and we are expected to answer their pre-hearing articles by tomorrow. We really need an attorney to help us with the answers but since there is not one available to help us, David is going to call them tomorrow and tell them he wants the settlement they originally offered and call it quits.
Once again, the government wins!! They have the power and the money to fight until there is no more fight in the little person. Like I said before "Life stinks right now!" As the old saying goes, you can't fight city hall and win. We found out the hard way. I just hope we don't have to say this about the fight we have going with the Veteran's Administration. I hope and pray we will prevail in that one.
I guess I have rambled enough for now. I feel some better, not crying as much as I was. But things will not totally be back to a more normal state until one or two of several things happen....David gets a job, the VA comes through with his disability increase or we win the lottery (which won't happen cause we don't have the money to play)! Thanks for letting me vent, I hope I haven't upset anyone too much. May God Bless each and everyone of you!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Southern Colorado Regionals 2008 (Update)
Southern Colorado Regionals 2008
Friday, October 10, 2008
High School Dramas
The dramas that unfold every day are getting so outrageous. I won't go into specifics, if you only knew, I think you would just throw your hands in the air and scream, like I want too.
I swear these kids today are 10 times worse than anyone of us were at their age. I have heard it said many times, "times are a changing and things are going to Hell in a hand basket", well ain't that the truth!!!!!
I keep telling myself, as I so often heard growing up, this is just a phase. But you know, I don't think that is the case with this generation! I think this is something they will never outgrow. They feel this strong urge to beat the crap out of everyone, to talk smack all the time, and to steal each other's boyfriends and girlfriends. I remember so many times these things happening to me or people I knew but they blew over in just a day or two. Today, you are lucky if you can get them to forget about these things for even one day, cause let me tell you they would rather let them fester for months.
Case in point, (with no names), I know of a fight that occurred in January that keeps being brought up by one individual even though the other has let it drop. The one who is keeping it alive, just can't seem to move on, in fact this person keeps elaborating about it making it bigger than it really was. Why???
Sorry for ranting but tonight's game at THS just proved my point and cause me to have the need to vent. I see teacher's trying every day to teach these kids to let things go and to learn to get along with others and be a team. I see the best teachers getting the shaft for trying so hard, and it is just so frustrating. They are the ones doing the right thing and yet they are the ones who may be terminated for trying so hard. Why???
We can't let good teachers leave or get fired. We have to keep trying to get through to these kids. Don't give up, Scream louder if you have too!! Pray out loud, Shout to the Lord!!! Let him guide you and make sure you pray for the kids!! I know I will be!!
God Bless you all!!
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Homecoming 2008
My handsome sons and beautiful daughter.
God Bless you all!!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Tough Love resolved....for now!
Ben came home but we have not had a chance to talk with him. He had band practice last night and then homework to get done. I get the feeling his head is a little bit clearer and that he maybe ready to talk tonight. I hope we can come to some good conclusions and concessions tonight.
At least my kids are home!! I pray every day they will stay until they are ready to stand on their own two feet.
God Bless you all!!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Tough Love
Ben questioned why we would do this to her when he felt his outbursts and arguments were, in his opinion, worse than what she dished out. So in good faith, I told him if he thought things were better somewhere else he could move out with the same conditions his sister has. He walked out after 10 pm saying he was going to his friend's house for the night as he needed some time to think without the pressure of talking to anyone in the family.
All I can do is cry! My kids are gone, wether for good or not, it still hurts! I know it is for the best that Beth take the time to spread her wings afterall she will be 18 in January. Still, she is only 17 right now and she has not graduated from high school. I hope she will live up to the promise I asked her to make before she left, I want her to graduate no matter where she is living. She says she will. I know what we did is for the best for the entire family, with regards to her, but it is one of the hardest things I have ever had to do.
I was hurt she left and did shed some tears, but when Ben asked if he could leave to think things through, I sobbed. My baby, my youngest, my 16 year old, walking out the door with his bag and backpack just broke my heart. I want them back!, but I know they need the time to make some decisions for themselves, although, Ben should have stayed here and just asked for time alone.
Tough Love sucks! I know it is something that many people have been suggesting and many of them have had to do what we did, but it really sucks!!
If you two are reading this, please remember, I love you!!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
September 23, 2008
Today's visit with Human Services was not the most friendly I have ever had. It is very hard for me to admit we need the help they can provide. Once I filled out the application I was taken to a very small office to visit with an intake clerk. She never introduced herself so I don't even know her name. Although, she did say "I think we have met before, maybe at school?" This seemed to be a good start to the interview. When she asked if we had applied before and proceeded to locate our file in the computer, the good feeling turned south.
She left the room to pull my file, came back and told me that the reason we had been denied before was that I never showed for my appointment. I tried to explain this was incorrect, as I had been sent a letter of denial for the services and that I had cancelled my appointment with the clerk. She said "I don't care! The record shows this and that's what I am going with." Seemed to me that Social Services or Human Services, can do whatever or document whatever they want and to hell with treating someone humanly.
From this point on I felt as tall as an ant. I got the feeling that she didn't really want to help me but was going thru the motions so as not to lose her job. I left the office with my second set of forms, list of documentation I will need to fulfill the requirements, my card with nothing on it, and the feeling that I was not worth the effort to even consider my application. I know that is not the case but it is hard to to think that when someone who is supposed to help just goes thru the motions and doesn't even offer some kind words.
I will not give up on trying for help. I am also looking into another job to supplement our income until David can complete his college classes and get employed. I will do whatever it takes to keep my family clothed, fed and housed.
We did receive a huge blessing this week that has lifted my spirits everytime I think about it. Our Church family provided us with groceries to get us thru the month and a promise that no matter what our family will not go hungry. They also paid our past due utility bill so that we will not have that worry for now and can possibly stay caught up on them on the meager income we get from the VA.
God is so good and has sent Angels to us by way of our wonderful Church Family!! Thank you God!!
Until next time, may God Bless You in everything you do!!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
September 17, 2008
The last couple of weeks have been a tough time here at our household. First, Ben came down with bronchitis which then made its way in one form or another to Beth then to me. We are doing great now, but the creeping crud is making its way around the high school so it will probably be back.
David and I spent several days in Aurora with Mom and Dad last week. He had an appointment with his primary care doctor at the VA. Then we went to meet with his service rep at the main office to check on the status of his disability increase claim. While we were there we were given the bad news that the VA is saying he is not entitiled to any increase. We aren't giving up, we will be appealing this news and will be seeking help from family and friends who may have information about his condition over the years. We believe they are not looking at the records as deeply as they should to make this judgement. Many of their notes as to why they denied the increase, say that the records don't indicate any problems...that is utter crap!! We have copies of all his medical records from the Army and the VA. We will be going over our copies, making copies and highlighting them for the rater. We will prevail!!
After a long visit with the doctor, we discovered we will be back in Aurora for more tests on Sept. 29, 30 and Oct. 1. It seems that David's blood work shows a very low iron level and an extremely high platelet count. Now, what all this means I am not really sure, but it sent up a red flag to his oncologist. Dr. Pahone, Oncologist, now wants him on 10 days of iv therapy to try to bring the iron level up and he wants to do another bone marrow extraction when we come back up. The original appointment on the 29th was to see the doctor about his sleep study results and to probably get him on a cpap machine. Thank the Lord they finally think he needs this machine, maybe I can move back to our bed. I haven't been able to sleep in my bed for quite a while due to his snoring and the severe case of restless leg. The doctors tell me this should help both.
The kids are doing well so far in school. Beth and Ben are deep into rehearsals and practice for Regional and State competitions for band. David and I sat for over 2 hours tonight to watch the field show making its way to being a pretty good display. I personally can't wait to see the whole thing at Regionals and will be hoping they perform as well as last year at both competitions. They brought home first from Regionals and 3rd at State.
Now that I have you updated it is time for bed. God Bless You All!
Monday, September 15, 2008
This one for the yearbook
This one for the composite.
It was hard choosing but with David, myself and Beth doing a lot of looking side by side at all of them, she was able to decide on two fine choices. I am proud of her and think these will look great in the yearbook and on the wall.
Thanks to all who gave us input, we really appreciate it.
God Bless Everyone!!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Elizabeth's Senior Pics
Friday, September 5, 2008
Another School Year!
She went through several months of Diversion service to avoid the whole event going on record with the police. She had to do community service and write a letter of apology to this boy. None of which he had to do for attacking her, isn't our justice system lovely!! Well she has moved on and become a better person for it, she says she has learned a valuable lesson.
Anyway back to the bump in the road. She tried out for the flag squad and from past blogs you know she made the squad. She has been enjoying participating except for the continually harrassment from the boy who attacked her who by coincidence is on the same squad. I had asked a friend of ours on the police force to see what he could do to get him to stop and I spoke with Mr. Curro about the situation. Well to make this short, on Tuesday, Beth spoke with Mr. Curro about the problem. He feels that in the best interest of Beth's state of mind and safety for her, that she should no longer be on the flaq squad and move back into the band playing her flute.
I have to agree with him that this should take care of the problem, however, I agree with Beth too. She feels she is being made to compromise in all areas that concern this and this boy can get away with anything he wants. Part of the reason I believe is that he is the only boy on the squad and they don't want a problem with seeming to be sexually biased towards him. You can also read into it that this boy is Gay, he openly admits this, and this may also be part of the reasoning. I have nothing against Gay people, I have several Gay friends, but this kid plays it to the hilt. Prime example, he tried to claim that Beth was harrassing him in such a manner that the incident should be classed a hate crime. One problem with that for him was that she never hit him, she couldn't, he hit her so hard and threw her to the ground that she blacked out.
Hopefully the rest of the year will go better for her. I also hope that Ben will have a wonderful Sophomore year. James and David are both enrolled at Trinidad State Junior College and are working very hard already. They do have some classes that start at the same time but both are pursuing different degrees. James is still going for Nursing and David is pursuing Accounting and Business Management. I love it....I have so much time to myself these days!
Well enough for now, may God Bless You All!!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Labor Day!
Elizabeth on the left holding the Colorado State flag for the National Anthem.
Waiting to march in the Labor Day parade in Trinidad.
Friday, August 29, 2008
First Game of the Season
We weren't sure if the boys would even get to play. The game was due to start at 7pm but kickoff wasn't until 8:30 due to all the rain and lightning. The band had to wear their raingear and march with no plumes on their hats. First time in a long time that they have had to do that. Their performance was great!
All in all a great start to the long Labor Day weekend. We will be working at the county fairgrounds all weekend serving up drinks and food. Also we will all be helping with the logistics of the parking for the County Fair. This is one long but usually profitable weekend for the Band Boosters and kids. Will let you all know how it goes when all is tallied up.
Until next time, May God Bless you always!!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
State Fair 08/23/08
Elizabeth, first time on flag squad
Ben, third from the left waiting to step off
Beth, waiting for the music to begin
Ben, fourth from the left waiting to begin
Thursday, August 14, 2008
We did get to stay overnight in Albuquerque with my cousin, Cheryl, her husband Keith and her dad, my Uncle Wallace. We had a great time and loved watching the Olympics with them last night.
While driving home today, we received a call from our Pastor's wife, Mitzi. She was glad to tell us that someone in town had heard that Elizabeth was having problems with her wisdom teeth. We do not have dental insurance right now and with no second income and my limited part-time income we have not been able to help her. We had sought out help from the Miles for Smiles program that had come to town, but due to her age and the fact it would require surgery to remove them, they were not able to help. This "Angel" called our church and offered to assist us by paying all the expenses for the oral surgeon and any gas money we might need to get to the surgeon. THANK YOU GOD!! is all David and I could say thru the tears of joy! We have been feeling so bad because we had been having to put her off for months, we had been hoping that the VA would come thru with his back pay so we could help. Now, this "Angel" from God would help our girl, she would no longer be in pain.
Please be praying for Beth as she undergoes surgery on Monday, August 18 in Pueblo, CO. This is the first time she has ever had any kind of surgery on her mouth so we are very apprehensive as to how she will do. Then on August 23 she and Ben are supposed to march in Pueblo in the State Fair parade, so please pray for a speedy recovery for her to be able to march in her last State Fair parade with her high school band. Please also say a prayer for our mystery "Angel".
As always you are all in our prayers! God Bless you all each and every day!!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Summer is almost over
We had four very busy days in DC and coming home to a clean house was so nice. We had worked hard the couple days before leaving to make sure we could come home to it.
Since we got back it has been work, work, work and sickness, sickness, sickness. I have been having some problems with my stomach and my migraines have been almost daily.
We have gotten some good news on the disability front. Most of you know that we have been trying to get an increase in David's VA disability since the surgeries to replace his hips last year. Yes, it has been a year as of August 7th. Wow this year has just flown by. Anyway back to the disability, the VA needs to do an examination to determine just how much he was affected by the surgeries. They have finally scheduled his exam for August 13th in Albuquerque. We have been told by the new representative David as acquired that after the exam it should only take about 30 days for an answer. We have been fighting for this for over a year and had even sent in a request for our Congressman to step in. He did and low and behold the exam was scheduled. We also learned that the VA claims they lost his first claim for disability and his military records. Luckily we have copies of all the missing documentation. We hand delivered 1500 pages to them last week and got a receipt showing they received them.
The kids have had about 3 weeks off from band practice but they started back to prepare for the State Fair parade on Aug 23rd. They are practicing 3 hours a day until the parade then will have to march in the Labor Day parade here and start school the day after. Here we go again into another marching season, Elizabeth's last. She is excited and sad that this is her senior year. I am worried about how to take care of all the senior year expenses along with ordering a letter jacket for Ben. I know God will provide he always has.
Well gonna close this out for now. When there is more news to report or photos to post, I will be back. As for now, May God Bless you all each and everyday as He does our family!!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Another video of the kids marching down Constitution Avenue on July 4, 2008
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Washington DC Slideshows
Monday, July 7, 2008
Washington, DC
Monday, June 9, 2008
We just found out last week that there is room for James to go with us, so this will truly be a family vacation!! Hope to hear from some of you that you saw them on television. Keep us in your thoughts and prayers.
Until we return, may God Bless you all!!
Monday, May 26, 2008
May 26, 2008