Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Great News!

We are headed home to Trinidad!! David got his staples removed today and has been told he can put 50% weight on his left leg but must continue using the crutches. He must also continue the other restrictions to prevent any hip dislocation. We will be leaving this Saturday for Pueblo to watch our the Miner band in the State Fair parade then will travel the rest of the way home from there. We have enjoyed our time at Mom and Dad's but we are really excited about going home.

We did find out that his doctors are pushing for his next surgery date to be the end of September it will depend on the schedule for the entire department. Dr. Breaga, his surgeon, made a point of telling the scheduler that David has waited long enough for his surgeries and should not have to wait any longer and he wants the next one done 6 weeks from the first one.

Well thats all the news for now, will put more on here later when we get home. God Bless you all!!

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