Friday, August 10, 2007

Our Family Blog

In order to keep you all up to date on the Zehr Family here in Colorado...I have created this blog. I will try to keep it light and lively and I will try to get David and the kids to post when they feel up to doing so.

At this time my main reason for creating this is to keep everyone up to date on David's progress after his total hip replacement surgery on August 7, 2007. I have been posting blog messages on my myspace page but not everyone has access to it so this seemed to the best way to keep you up to date. Also, we will keep you posted on the progress of the appeal of his job termination that came on June 30, 2007. We believe it was unjust due to his medical condition and filed charges with the Civil Rights Commision for Discrimination. This is be a long drawn out fight but hopefully with lots of prayer one that we will win.

James will be leaving for the University of Northern Colorado on August 22 to start his education in Nursing. Hopefully by the time he completes the first semester of his sophomore year next year, he will be accepted into Nursing school. Beth and Ben are in the band at Trinidad High and will be going with the band to Washington, DC on July 4, 2008 to march in the National Fourth of July parade if all goes well in the fundraising department.

For now I will close this and post copies of the blogs from myspace on here for your reading pleasure to update you on David's progress. Please keep in touch when you can. God Bless you all!!

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