Saturday, August 11, 2007

Post Op Day 2

Well it is day 2 post op, today he had physical therapy and occupational therapy. The physical therapy helps him to learn to walk, sit and stand all over again. Occupational therapy teaches him how to do the most common of everyday tasks such as putting on his pants and socks. Since he cannot bend at the waist more than 90 degrees he can't get up from a chair without scooting forward to the edge with his left leg straight then he has to push up with his arms and hold on to his walker. Then he takes baby steps to make turns and to walk all the while only applying 25% of his body weight to the left leg. He has to be helped back into bed as he can't lift his legs at all. When he gets home he will still be restricted from bending or crossing his legs so he will have these nice little lifters and grabbers to assit with the everyday things. He was trying to learn to use them today but got very tired and had to rest. It is hard work putting your socks on with a sock helper that has ropes on it and you have to creep your toes into the toe of the sock then pull the helper out as it pulls the sock up. He will also have bath aids such a special chair to get in and out of the tub and a hand held shower sprayer. They also told him that he can pick the date of his next surgery on the right hip. He can tell them when he feels like he is walking good enough on this one for them to do the next one. He thinks that will be about 6 weeks and they told him they think that sounds about right. He will probably make that decision when they take the staples out of the incision in two weeks.

I have to tell you what he has been saying about his nurses. "I haven't had an ugly one yet!" I have to watch him every minute I am up there with him, he is such a flirt...LOL! Today, two of the nursing students were giving him a sponge bath and he was flirting with them the whole time. Luckily I was sitting right beside the bed...kept him inline the whole time...LOL!! No really he has great nurses caring for him and both of us are very grateful for them.

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