Saturday, September 15, 2012

Life Goes On....

I know it has been several months since my last post, there has been many changes in our lives.  The biggest of which is we have reconciled with our daughter Elizabeth and we now have a granddaughter from her!! 
Belle Elise Medina was born on August 8, weighing in at 6 pounds 15 ounces and 19 1/2 inches.  We couldn't be prouder of our daughter and son-in-law!!
Our granddaughter is so beautiful!!  So much hair!! Now as I write this she is one month old and weighs 10 pounds!! We are preparing for her Christening on September 30th.  We have not seen her since she was 48 hours old and I can't wait to hold her again!!! Living 200 miles her it is hard to spoil her, but when I get the chance, I am going to hold her as much as I can and love on her and spoil her as much as I can for the two days we are with her. 

I have just loved all the pictures Beth and Derek have posted on Facebook.  I download all of them to my computer hard drive and my cellphone.  I have printed a few of them and show them off to my friends.  My friends think Belle is so beautiful and of course Grandma does not disagree!!  

Here are a couple of more photos of my beautiful girl:

I think from now on I might be better about updating this blog because I have more to write about!! God Bless!!!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

New Year 2012

The new year has been under way now for 22 days and I have been lazy about posting, so what is new...LOL! I started the new year with a bad cold and a sinus infection, the cough is hanging on.

We have been trying to get things planned for James and Brittany's wedding, we have to pay for and plan the rehearsal dinner. It will be fun putting together a video of their lives, I will really enjoy looking through the photos of them when they were younger.

Ben has moved out to try living on his own, our house is truly an empty nest now. This is a hard time for me. I miss my children so much, there is so much emptiness in my heart. I find myself playing on the computer more just so I don't cry so much, I helps so that I don't have so many headaches, but it really doesn't ease the heartaches. I told the kids I miss them and really need to see them at least once a month, they said they will try to make the time, I pray they will.

Well that's all for now, God Bless everyone!