Friday, November 14, 2008

School Registration

I took Ben to the central registration office yesterday to get him into school here in Aurora. I was able to verify that we are living with my parents with Mom's help so we know that he will attend Hinkley High. They copied all the information from his shot records and I filled out lots of forms. Then I was told we have to finish registration with the school itself, so I called like I should to make an appointment. The school only registers students on Mondays and Wednesdays, so with much disdain for the system, I set the appointment with the special education counselor for Monday at 10:30.

Next, I had to contact THS to see about an unoffical transcript and any information on his special education plan. I got told that the new school must request this information. I countered that according to the registration sheet I was given that I need this information at my appointment to finish registration and to get his schedule. They again said the school must request, I asked how will they do that when they won't have anything to know about him until the appointment time and that's when I have to have it to show them. We went round and round for about 10 minutes until the counselor at THS finally asked who I was going to see and what the phone number is. She then said "I will contact them to get this settled." I left it in her hands, but if there is no information on Monday and I have further problems with this process, I am going to blow a gasket...LOL!

This too shall pass! God Bless you all!!

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